Average american eats 500 gm bug and rodent parts per year such are the standards of FDA administration that allow this
There may be something scarier than vampires and ghosts lurking in your home this Halloween. While eating hoards of calorie packed candy may frighten you, these scary food facts will make you think twice before indulging in your favorite meals.

From bug parts to whopping amounts of calories, the facts about what is really in our food might leave you reaching for fresh fruit and veggies this Halloween. Some of these food facts might make you nauseous but luckily, information is power and you can now avoid any foods that make you turn green. Which fact is the scariest? You be the judge.
Scary salads
If your dieting efforts have hit a plateau, it could be because the options dressed up as healthy are really calorie monsters. Salads are some of the worst offenders at restaurants and fast food chains alike. Steer clear of Caesar salads, creamy dressings, and dishes topped with mayonnaise-saturated dressings like tuna. Salads could easily win this year's costume contest as there is nothing healthy about 1,600 calories disguised as spinach salad. According to Eat This, Not That, IHop's Chicken and Spinach salad will set you back 1,600 calories. You're better off dining on six Snicker's bars.
Shiny deception
Next time you see a shiny apple or a pile of jelly beans, you may think twice before gobbling them up. Both are likely covered with a layer of shellac to make them look appealing. You may be familiar with the substance which is used to give a shiny effect to wood floors and furniture, but that's not even the worst part. Shellac is made from the feces of the female lac beetle... sound appetizing? This scary fact is an obvious choice for #2. Don't worry; jelly beans are more of an Easter candy anyway.
Bug out
'Tis the season for food adorned with creepy crawlers and chocolate shaped beetles. Faux bugs are about as much as I can handle, but it turns out actual bugs make an appearance in our food all year long. What was once disguised on the ingredient label as an artificial color now must be properly listed as Cochineal extract or carmine. What is cochineal extract you ask? Oh, just the dried body of a bug. Beware of red, orange, pink or purple food unless you like the extra crunch. At least they weren't lying when they said it was all natural.
Hairy food
How many rodent hairs do you prefer in your peanut butter? The FDA gives the thumbs up if there is no more than one in every 100 grams of your food. Disguised as "natural contaminants," rodent hair and bug parts are not only in your food, but they are approved to be there. Apparently eating bug legs and mouse hair is safer than using chemicals to control the pests in food making facilities.
Strawberries in disguise
Apparently using a plain old strawberry to flavor milk shakes is no fun. Instead, fast food chains use strawberry flavor, which is made up of some 50 chemicals to get the fruity flavor you crave. Much like Halloween costumes, you're much better off going with a homemade version of strawberry shakes.
Multi-purpose preservatives
Many of the food preservatives we consume daily do double duty in some products you would likely never eat. Chemicals such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are used to prevent food from going rancid, but you'll also find it in jet fuel and embalming fluid. Sodium nitrite prevents bacteria growth in meats and is also used in metal coatings and textile dyes. Preservatives are frighteningly versatile and consuming them has been linked to some forms of cancer.
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